Text vs. Photo Essay

Which one is more interesting, text or photo essays? Both of them are interesting, but there are people who might find one more interesting than the other, but that is not the situation all the time. Most of the time one will tell more information than the other. After reading Convention of Rights of the Child, in the text and photo versions, I came to realize that not everything is the same between the two. Even though they both are telling the same information, one of them is more in depth and the other one shows more in detail. The text version is more lengthy and contains more information on how children can exercise their rights. Now, as important as the information may be, the reader will easily become bored and tired of reading such a lengthy document. The good thing about a lengthy document though, is that there is a lot more information than a photo version of the document. The photo version of the document is nowhere near as long as the text version, but it gives a visual of what the document is about. With the photo version, there are some people that may not be able to decode the message that is in the photo. But also with the photo, you can actually see the visuals of the text version. For example, in photo 6, it has article numbers 9 and 10 that state, " 'A child shall not be separated from his or her parents against their will...[and shall be permitted to cross national borders] for...family reunification...' A child and father, China." (Unicef 6). With being able to actually see what the articles are referring to helps the reader understand what the meaning behind the photo actually is. It has a bigger impact on the reader than the text version. With showing the little boy with his dad, it emphasizes the facts that children tend to get taken away from their parents at a young age. When comparing photo vs. video though, video violence is worse than any form of photo essay. With a video, you actually watch violence take place, you witness every second of it.
